Anime with an Eyepatch


Well-known member
Some anime characters have an eyepatch.  Do you find them especially interesting?  Which of them do you like?
Black beard from one piece.
Ciel phantomhive from black butler.
kenpachi from bleach
Najenda from akame ga kill
rokka no yusha girl. I don't remember her name.
I don't have any favorites.
Well she doesn't always wear one, but Megumin from Konosuba is awesome, and who doesn't like explosions?
Grungie said:
Well she doesn't always wear one, but Megumin from Konosuba is awesome, and who doesn't like explosions?

i don't like them. they are just cowardly pigs who used them. you need to be a samurai or should wield something good, to gain more respect.