Anime wallpapers

i use anime wallapaers .com. they have many wallpaers and some of them are so beautiful. you should watch them
I just use the default or no wallpaper now I can never decide on a good wallpaper and always keep changing them and it got annoying.
Risk said:
I just use the default or no wallpaper now I can never decide on a good wallpaper and always keep changing them and it got annoying.

I feel you, last time I went wallpaper hunting I killed a good hour on it.
Demon_skeith said:
I feel you, last time I went wallpaper hunting I killed a good hour on it.

I spend so much time looking for one and when I finally find one I like I go back to my previous one a few minutes later.
I search in google for wallpapers of a specific character then use it of couple of days.
I don't have a specific website for it