Anime club suggestions?


Well-known member
Hello all!!!

So I've done a search of the forums and either I didn't find anything, or I just really suck at searching.

Anyway I'm in my 3rd year of running an anime club at a high school, and I am trying to get new ideas to keep the club fresh and interesting for the students. As of now, our meetings consist of talking anime news, watching anime, and planning small trips (dinner, Japanese markets, etc.), and planning video game parties. I've also reached out to a couple magazines, and production companies to get subscriptions.

I was wondering if anyone in here had some fresh suggestions, or if you were in an anime club of your own, what would you like to see or do?

Thank you so much for being patient with a newb.
i don't know what your ideas for the club are but may be you could use some manga events too. it would make the club even more popular than it already is