Anime Before the 90s


Well-known member
What was going on in that time?  I mean, it was true Asian culture was exploding unto the west, for instance.  Look at the martial arts movies!
Animes at that time, from the amount I've seen, were a bit more down to earth, they mixed with current popular stuff at the time to make some great classics like Fist of the North Star.
Some people feel that anime during that time is not classic and more anime like and the present anime, isn't anime like enough. For me, it just evolved and everyone should enjoy them or learn to enjoy them
80's was the era when OVA's started booming, and since Japan was blooming as an economy, a lot of anime sold really well. Plus, you had very very influential anime and manga like Fist of the Northstar, Dragon Ball, Gundam, Jojo. And, some of the major studios of our time, Ghibli, Madhouse, Sunrise were rising stars during that era.
Edit: Forgot to mention the Devilman manga,  which inspired Neon Genesis Evangelion, the most influential anime in recent times, and Berserk,  which is a highly respected manga. 
And Ashita no Joe,  whose protagonist Joe became an icon in Japan.
As I stated in my other thread, I don't care when the anime got released and I don't care much about anime and wouldn't judge it based on animation alone
i don't like to watch very old anime that don't have story but if the story is good, i could ignore the bad animation and bad voice. i don't usually watch very old anime.