2D vs 3D Anime


Well-known member
I know you can tell the difference between a 2D and a 3D anime. Do you prefer 2D or 3D anime or do you not really care? If you do prefer one or another, what is your reason?
I figure each is good for a certain time.  It's sort of like how sometimes I want a  grilled hamburger and other times I want a regular one.
i like 2d anime better. 3d anime is crap but if it's a cgi, then it's good. except for hentai, i never knew any 3d anime releases. what did you watch that has 3d animation for an anime?
SecretWish said:
i like 2d anime better. 3d anime is crap but if it's a cgi, then it's good. except for hentai, i never knew any 3d anime releases. what did you watch that has 3d animation for an anime?

3D and CG are the same in this context. You are confusing 3D with those effects that come with 3D glasses. That's different.
2D! 3D is just so jarring at times and cringy. I know it costs more for 2D but its worth it for some series.
MadaraUchiha said:
3D and CG are the same in this context. You are confusing 3D with those effects that come with 3D glasses. That's different.

then this is totally out of my realm to answer. i don't know much about animation related things and i was sure they should be watching it with glasses and has this near effect