Thank you for the reply.
It's hard not just because he is leaving me halfway but I cut ties with my family for him and going back to them after everything is too hard. I do talk to my family but I haven't visited them for over a decade
Have a seen log horizon? Unlike SAO which has sappy romance, this anime doesn't focus on romance. SAO's sequel made my stomach churn with the ince$t vibes
Isn't it Shonen that's popular in all the anime genres?
@OnlyWatchDubs most of the very popular anime looks DB, Naruto, One piece, Bleach are all shonen anime
That's a valid point and today's anime doesn't give importance to character and plot development. The animators only care about creating something that makes money through visuals, fan service and music.
I did but not completely.
These days I don't go out of my way to search and keep up with anime but if I get to know of a good anime, I will watch it even if it takes time
@Burnsy I just had a conversation with chatgpt. I didn't have an outlet and wanted someone to respond while I vent my feelings. The only thing I don't like is how the chatgpt uses numbering while communicating with me. That numbering made me think of people answering a question paper and I just...