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  1. Rinko

    Do you still remember the reason why you chose your username as such?

    That's really lovely. I envy such deep friendships but don't worry, I wish the best for you.
  2. Rinko

    Do you like yourself?

    Thank you but they wouldn't want to help me. That's the last thing they would want to do and they never wanted me to leave for another country.
  3. Rinko

    Do you like cold weather?

    I got used to it but I prefer warm weather and summer.
  4. Rinko

    Do you still remember the reason why you chose your username as such?

    Sometimes we just can't forget the first anime, forum, friend in our lives. Do you guys still keep in touch?
  5. Rinko

    Do you like yourself?

    Thank you for the reply. It's hard not just because he is leaving me halfway but I cut ties with my family for him and going back to them after everything is too hard. I do talk to my family but I haven't visited them for over a decade
  6. Rinko

    Let's talk about your day!

    I had a bad day today. Arguing about everything is tiring me out and I don't think counselling could be of any help for me
  7. Rinko

    Do you think attack on titan is overrated?

    Have a seen log horizon? Unlike SAO which has sappy romance, this anime doesn't focus on romance. SAO's sequel made my stomach churn with the ince$t vibes
  8. Rinko

    Do you think romance anime/manga needs more fans?

    Isn't it Shonen that's popular in all the anime genres? @OnlyWatchDubs most of the very popular anime looks DB, Naruto, One piece, Bleach are all shonen anime
  9. Rinko

    Do you have nostalgic bias in anime?

    That's a valid point and today's anime doesn't give importance to character and plot development. The animators only care about creating something that makes money through visuals, fan service and music.
  10. Rinko

    Chinese animation with historic settings

    Weren't they called manhua? Korean manga are called manhwa.
  11. Rinko

    Did you lose interest in anime too? I did.

    I did but not completely. These days I don't go out of my way to search and keep up with anime but if I get to know of a good anime, I will watch it even if it takes time
  12. Rinko

    Biggest regret in your life from your birth to 2025

    That's nice. Having those loans is scary when you want to start anew. Thank you and hope you have a better and prosperous life
  13. Rinko

    Do you like yourself?

    I think he met someone who is a lot less complicated than me. I don't know what to do and how to process this and move on with my life
  14. Rinko

    How many of you are using AI? For anything.

    @Burnsy I just had a conversation with chatgpt. I didn't have an outlet and wanted someone to respond while I vent my feelings. The only thing I don't like is how the chatgpt uses numbering while communicating with me. That numbering made me think of people answering a question paper and I just...
  15. Rinko

    What do you guys think of my AI videos?

    Does it cost money? I think it does may be not a lot but I think it's expensive
  16. Rinko

    What do you think of Netflix anime collection?

    They need more. I wouldn't look for Netflix to watch my anime.
  17. Rinko

    What's the anime with the most hype now?

    If you are waiting for the anime dub for a new anime, it's going to take a while.
  18. Rinko

    Do you still remember the reason why you chose your username as such?

    That's cool. What's the link to your website?
  19. Rinko

    Can people live alone during old age?

    It wouldn't be easy but if you have no choice, you will have to do it. Name a beneficiary after your death and add a clause of taking good care of you
  20. Rinko

    Would you watch an anime just for fan service?

    Without any plot and character development? Even if it's a harem anime