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  1. tdbnz

    Animie Facts

    1: Pokémon Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee were named after four famous fighters Their names are inspired by kung fu film stars Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee, but Hitmonchan's alternate name (Ebiwalar) is a reference to Japanese world champion boxer Hiroyuki Ebihara, while Hitmonlee's name (Sawamular)...
  2. tdbnz

    Recommendations for newbie

    Hey I am looking for some Anime Recommendations I am new to anime and would like your favourite easy-going anime to start with I would prefer Anime that is in English / dubbed in English to as I am just new to this whole anime stuff at the moment I am watching Fullmetal alchemist and I find...
  3. tdbnz

    Voice Actress Yui Makino Welcomes 1st Child

    Voice actresses Yui Makino and Ikumi Nakagami made baby-related announcements on Monday. Makino delivered her first child, a girl, while Nakagami will give birth to her third child this summer. Both voice actresses thanked everyone for their support and vowed to do their best in both work and...
  4. tdbnz

    Magician Enters

    Hello There My name is Thomas Bernard I am 18 years old on the journey to be a magician Follow me on Facebook Nice forum I going to come here all the time I got a forum check it out thanks for the nice forum...