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  1. Maxot

    Wow this place has change ALOT

    Hey guys its been waaaay to long ! :cat: If some of you doan remember me im Max =^-^= And for the old members who remember me i would just like to say hello and tell you im alive and doing just great. I haven't been on here for some time because of my school work and girlfriend. Yas this guy...
  2. Maxot


    Raaawr ! :cat: Talk to meh im bored ;_;
  3. Maxot

    A new asmv

    So yea its been a while since i last posted a amv here well this time its a asmv ! :cat: So yea tell me what you think What was bad? What was good? Hope you enjoy :cat1:
  4. Maxot

    The great itachi-sama aka Clara-san =^-^=

    Hmm Clara has always been kind to me really. Ever since the first time i came to nbf she has been a friend. She might have used amatersu on me a few times but she has been kinder to me more often She is a bit over her head sometimes with the great itachi-sama or granny but she has been a really...
  5. Maxot

    Well im back sorta

    Well this place sure has gotten big since i was last here :cat: Well Im Max the kitty =^-^= Pleasure to meet you all i want to talk about myself again Im from sweden the cold country in the north And well what can i say "Winter is coming" But yea i like to edit amv's and other stuff im about to...
  6. Maxot

    Nyan-Sama Is The God Here

    As we all know. I am Nyan-sama the god of this place. you people can fear me if you want that is fine =*-*= But you need to respect me since im a god :cat:
  7. Maxot

    Colts present =^-^=

  8. Maxot

    Kitty smiley ! ;_;

    I don't have my smiley ;_; :cat: see....
  9. Maxot


    Raaawr im the ninja pirate kitty :cat: I do stuff like editing, gaming, watch anime and roll around on the floor :cat: Pleasure to meet you all :Cat: