Search results

  1. Claraviolet

    Scary animal attack experience?

    How about a stray dog? O.o I know it's not a wild animal and I didn't receive any physical damage thanks to the strong bag I have been holding at that point of time... But it was truly scary for a 14 year old kid ;_; . I couldn't even scream out loud... More like it never crossed my mind. I was...
  2. Claraviolet

    Liminal space games

    To be honest, it's kinda hard for me to wrap my head around this concept. However the topic looks really interesting and not to mention that people often claim about how they got trapped..... So anyone ever played any liminal space games before?
  3. Claraviolet

    AliExpress in India

    How I wish there could unban this app ;_; Like seriously!
  4. Claraviolet

    Taobao app

    As it's recently been unbanned in India, I thought of installing it.... However, looks like they haven't updated the app to English and they don't even have shipping options ;_; *Sigh the only way to get goods is through Baohero or other agents (_ _)/
  5. Claraviolet

    Do you like cold weather?

    Over here, it's a bit cold but at least it's not... that cold (-_-) I hate sub zero temperatures with no ice! May be that's just me. What about you folks?
  6. Claraviolet

    Is there any decent comedy in anime these days?

    It's going to be a serious discussion... So I don't want to see toilet jokes or any other disgusting jokes including fan service related stuff. I am looking for plain old comedy like Kyo Kara ore wa. Why can't I find such anime? ;_;
  7. Claraviolet

    What do you guys think of my AI videos?

    Um.. So...I would accept constructive feedback as well. So, do let me know about your true opinions about it 🤗
  8. Claraviolet

    Ugh I hate stuff 😭

    I really don't like when people refuse to.... listen to reason and got too much pride to notice that... They are in the wrong. Like seriously.. Would it kill them to acknowledge their mistakes? If they feel guilty... It's only because they have done something to feel guilty of! That's how...
  9. Claraviolet

    Did any anime or manga made you, think of learning a new language?

    I have been listening to this anime song and I really wanted to learn the language to actually be able to understand the song and sing along with it. XD is it just me? O.o
  10. Claraviolet

    Back to India

    Muhahaha, I am going to India! Finally! However it's just for 4 weeks 😭 but.... whatever... I am gonna enjoy each and every minute! 🤗🤗🤗😊😊😊🎉🎉🎉
  11. Claraviolet

    Fairy tale theme song in metal version

    @Burnsy @MadaraUchiha @Elvis @DarkAngel @MoonlightShadow @Kaname @Rika @Rinko It's seriously good 🤗🤗 Do listen to it kids!
  12. Claraviolet


    What do you guys think? Dark theme: Light theme: @Burnsy @Elvis @DarkAngel @Grungie @Kaname @MoonlightShadow @Rinko @Star_Of_Hope @MadaraUchiha and others
  13. Claraviolet


    It's way too hot at the moment around where I live 😭😭😭 How I miss my AC room at the moment 😭😭😭😭
  14. Claraviolet

    Well, time to update the theme

    Sorry guys...I was really caught up with my own stuff and I couldn't spend much time on MAF! So what are your expectations when it comes to a new theme? If you have any recommendations, feel free to voice them out here.
  15. Claraviolet

    Do you guys get severe headache when you wake up from your sleep abruptly?

    I do and sometimes even Saridon doesn't help me much and it makes me irritated. Usually I try not to sleep during the day time to avoid these stupid headaches and I make sure, I avoid waking up others .. But yeah they're unavoidable at times. Do you guys have any tips for me? I hate my stupid...
  16. Claraviolet

    Thinking of watching Gintama

    Well, my mood is not great lately... So I have been thinking of watching some comedy... It's just that there are way too many nose picking, ear picking, running out of toilet paper jokes.... Ugh 😩
  17. Claraviolet

    BJD room tour

    Well @MoonlightShadow as promised 😅
  18. Claraviolet

    Back in India

    I know I haven't been sharing much -.-" Well, I am back in India! For the first time, I know how terrible jet-lag can be. I never experienced such tiredness before. Even now, I have puffy eyes, eye bags and not to mention that my head is still killing me even after taking the medicine ;_; I have...
  19. Claraviolet

    What do you do, when you feel down?

    Well, I kinda talk to people when I am upset. What about you guys? What would you do?
  20. Claraviolet

    Need more latest anime recommendations

    If you are impressed by any latest anime, do let me know minasan. Arigato