Search results

  1. Rinko

    Who is the anime character who gave you chills after turning dark?

    Would Sasuke fit this list? He was a good guy then became a villain and then changed again. Not sure if we can add him here or not
  2. Rinko

    Back to India

    Enjoy yourself. You won't likely be getting another long vacation of weeks, for months.
  3. Rinko

    Have you ever thought of a business idea?

    That would be hilarious. An idea wouldn't be enough to become successful but rather the skill is needed as well. I would love to hear some ideas too
  4. Rinko

    Your favourite vacation spots

    It's hard to assure people and woods are too unpredictable. That would be a blast. Probably I won't be able to withstand the cold.
  5. Rinko

    Do you want more of a story or anime beyond the happy ending?

    Not really. I just didn't get the chance to do it. Haven't been visiting many websites lately
  6. Rinko

    Would you want One piece to end in the next 100 episodes?

    Just a question and nothing to scoff yet. Would you like to see the ending in the next hundred episodes?
  7. Rinko

    Any idea which websites or apps allow you to download manga?

    Sorry I don't know any. May be you could try to Google and see if there are any apps of such
  8. Rinko

    Your favourite vacation spots

    What do you like for your vacation? A trip in the woods or fantastic and bubbling streets in a new country? What's your cup of tea?
  9. Rinko

    Am I the only one who loves Espresso a lot?

    I like the song too. It's really good and even Adele praised her song.
  10. Rinko

    Do you want more of a story or anime beyond the happy ending?

    I haven't been speaking to her and yes she is the one.
  11. Rinko

    Who is the most unique anime character?

    Before you say it, this is not related to any favourite anime characters and how they are unique to you. Let's just stick to the character personality, doing things differently or reacting differently to a situation.
  12. Rinko

    Do you miss people who left the website or communities or Facebook groups?

    I think I do. There are lots of people I miss but I am not important enough for them to get in contact or leave me a way to contact them.
  13. Rinko

    Do you want more of a story or anime beyond the happy ending?

    I thought you dropped it. May be it's another anime or it could be another person.
  14. Rinko

    Deeply misunderstood anime characters

    let's not talk about antagonists. i want to know about the support characters and the main or cannon fodder characters who were deeply misunderstood
  15. Rinko

    Do you like gossip?

    Don't come at me with your fighting spirit. It's just a question
  16. Rinko

    What are you doing right now?

    Thank you. You too. Have a lovely day
  17. Rinko

    What are you doing right now?

    Thank you Star. It's been a rough time but everything is down to normal.
  18. Rinko

    Do you usually watch the remakes of an anime and then watch the original again?

    Views alone wouldn't be enough for the continuation of any anime, be it a sequel or a remake. Sometimes people wouldn't even complete watching them if they fail to meet their expectations.
  19. Rinko

    Remix of the same song for an anime opening and ending

    I haven't seen or heard that one before. Let me check.
  20. Rinko

    Do you often struggle to find the original version?

    Not that I know of. There are only a few original anime without any source material. So it's either a manga or a novel.