Recent content by Yoshida

  1. Yoshida

    Do you think anime pacing is easy to control than the manga pacing?

    It's not easy to control and everything has it's own set of policies. Just because you are not aware of them doesn't mean there aren't any. Even manga pacing can be slowed down by introducing more battle scenes or background stories. I don't see any difference.
  2. Yoshida

    Do you enjoy wordplay in anime?

    I am not sure what you are getting at, when you say wordplay.
  3. Yoshida

    If you can change one thing in anime community

    I would pick the community to have more intellect. Most of the arguments I see doesn't make sense at all and people just try to show off their knowledge in anime but doesn't realize they are just clowns jumping around, when they actually search for their so called, said facts.
  4. Yoshida

    What if you are not in the target audience of your favorite anime?

    Most of the popular anime are for teenagers but most of the anime watchers are in the range 18-44, according to the latest statistics in Google. That explains a lot about how different the demographics are.
  5. Yoshida

    Anime youtube shorts

    I don't mean to sound like that and even if I were to project such opinion, isn't it the other way around?