Recent content by The Lemonator

  1. The Lemonator

    Miley's Armpits

    The funny thing it's that everyone seems to have gotten used to get nipple covers now and the discussion has shifted to her not shaving her armpit lol. One thing that confuses me it's that she shaves everywhere else like her legs, and trimming her eyebrows but not get armpits? I personally think...
  2. The Lemonator

    I see this little bug icon a lot..

    What context would you use that? The other one that looks like a lego block, where would you use that one?
  3. The Lemonator

    If you could be any One Piece character...

    Which one would you be and why?
  4. The Lemonator

    Some of my Photoshop Work

    I really enjoy making animations.
  5. The Lemonator

    Luffy Made Cupcakes!

    For this game you have to copy the cupcakes for each message and remove one for your reply. The one to eat the last cupcake is the winner :)