Recent content by Star_Of_Hope

  1. Star_Of_Hope

    Remix music

    It's pretty good
  2. Star_Of_Hope


    I am sorry to hear that. Like we discussed before, live comfortably and don't worry about the expenses.
  3. Star_Of_Hope

    Are you a cat person or a dog person?

    We just got a tortoise the other day. So as of now, I am a tortoise person 😊
  4. Star_Of_Hope

    Chinese animation with historic settings

    I never came across such anime before. If they are good, do let us know 😊
  5. Star_Of_Hope

    Well, time to update the theme

    I do think she has plans for it. If you have any theme in mind, do let us know.
  6. Star_Of_Hope

    what is the name of the anime? thank you for answers

    It's the same video in multiple threads. So, it's obvious they just want more views for that video and nothing more
  7. Star_Of_Hope

    Who can make you lose your cool in anime?

    No one. Well, I do get irritated with whiny characters at the beginning but they don't really bother me all that much.