Recent content by SolarFlare

  1. S

    PC Gaming Dying?

    A while ago you use to be able to go into a shop like Game and buy games for the PC / desktop platforms, but these days you cannot really- it is all Xbox or PS4. What are your thoughts on this? Do you like PC Gaming?
  2. S

    Backwards Managa or Forwards?

    Which type of manga do you prefer reading: Backwards Manga or Forwards Manga? I personally prefer Manga that is forwards read as that is what I am use to reading and it makes more sense to me :P
  3. S

    Where do you watch anime?

    What websites do you use to watch anime? I have tried Youtube but don't really know which sites to trust and use :)
  4. S

    Anime about IT / Technology?

    I am rather new to Anime ::P I have an interest in Technology so what sort of anime do you recommend for me to take a look at? Thanks :)
  5. S

    CMS or coding?

    When making a new website, do you go directly with a Content Management System (Like Drupal, Joombla or PHPFusion) or do you code your site purely with HTML, CSS and Javascript? I personally like the simplicity of using a CMS.
  6. S

    Skype or Video Calls?

    A while ago, talking to a loved ones overseas or when they were away from you was relatively hard until Skype (and other) introduced video calls. However recently, mobile phones such as iPhones Facetime & Androids Video Call features, do you feel that Skype and other software no longer has a role??
  7. S

    Driverless Cars

    So as you may know, Driverless cars have been trialled and tested and some are even on pre-order at the moment :D Would you ever buy a driverless car or even travel in one as say, a taxi? Share your thoughts below :)
  8. S

    Manga Books or Manga Graphic Novels?

    Which do you prefer? Manga as books (In novel form) or Manga in the form of a graphic novel? As a newbie into the world, I prefer graphic novels as they are easier to understand!
  9. S

    Manga better starter than anime?

    Hey! So being new to the anime and manga world, I wondered which is best, anime or managa, for a newbie into the world? Thanks :)
  10. S

    Some anime reccomendations?

    Hey all! I'm new to the anime world and wondered if anybody could reccomend any decent anime programs on youtube. Thanks in advance!
  11. S

    Best anime of the year?

    Which anime would you say is the best of this year? Which one have you most enjoyed and why? I watched one a few weeks back, about school which I felt I could relate to!
  12. S


    Hello everybody! My name is Darwin and I'm a 16 year old student! I want to try and get more into the anime world and decided this was the place for it :)