Recent content by Kasem

  1. K

    Who will win the SuperBowl?

    I'm not sure if many of you watch American Football, since this is an Anime forum, and im sure a lot of you are not in the US, so I apologize if you can't relate to this post. However I am a big fan of the NFL and if you are too feel free to respond! I believe the Patriots will win, only because...
  2. K

    Favorite MMORPG

    I personally like World of Warcraft, I haven't played in a long time due to lack of time sadly. I definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a new game to play though. Do you guys play any other MMORPG's?
  3. K

    Upcoming Animes?

    Do you guys know of any new animes that are coming out and have seemed interesting? I'm interested to start a new anime and I feel like a brand new one would be interesting to me haha.
  4. K

    Apples recent IOS update

    Many people don't know this, but in one of the recent IOS updates Apple made a pretty big change. They encrypted the software so that Law enforcement or hackers could not tell what you did on your phone, unless they took the phone itself from you. This is rather big news in places like the US...
  5. K

    Any suggestions?

    I'm looking to start a new anime, I've watched, Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Fairy tail, Attack on Titan. Would you guys suggest me an anime you like? I'm really open to anything so let it rip!
  6. K

    Will One Piece ever end?

    I'm just curious as the series has been going on for ages. I feel like they will just run it until it goes extremely dry, which is kind of turning me off from watching it.
  7. K

    Do you like Sasuke?

    I know a lot of my friends who hate Sasuke because of the fact he changed sides multiple times, and how he was so easy to manipulate by people. What are your guys thoughts? I personally like him cause he is a badass haha.
  8. K

    Thoughts on The Interview

    I'm sure many of you have heard about or watched The Interview by now. This is one of the most talked about movies of recent time in my opinion, especially because of the hacking of Sony Pictures, supposedly by North Korea. What are your guys thoughts on the movie, and all the publicity...
  9. K

    Hi all!

    I would just like to say hi to all on the One Piece Forum. I'm Kasem, I've been a fan of OP for a few years now. Lately I've been busy so I've slacked on watching the anime but when I have time I will definitely binge watch it haha, so please no spoilers. I really like this forum from the few...