Recent content by Demon_skeith

  1. Demon_skeith

    Do you think anime should be nominated by anime fans?

    Especially the FMA fans.
  2. Demon_skeith

    Have you ever received any practical tips from an anime?

    I've gotten some cooking tips and how to behave around people, but that's about it.
  3. Demon_skeith

    Do you watch specific anime on certain occasions?

    Generally I seek out horror anime during October and some festive stuff for November and December. Maybe a summer one during summer, but otherwise no.
  4. Demon_skeith

    Do you watch anime if it doesn't have any background music?

    I don't think there is any such anime, but I need some kind of OST from it.
  5. Demon_skeith

    Dragon Ball Daima

    I'm on ep 8 of the dub and enjoying it so far, giving it a break so the dub can get a few more eps out.
  6. Demon_skeith

    Will you like an anime character who is the same as you or who is different from you?

    I can relate better if I feel like they are me, but seeing them different also gives me ideas what life could have been like.
  7. Demon_skeith

    Do you think love in anime is too romantic for it to be real?

    I feel for a lot of anime it feels pretty forced, but sometimes something genuine does happen.
  8. Demon_skeith

    Who is the best guardian character in anime?

    I know the Serei no Moribito series has a lot of this going for it.
  9. Demon_skeith

    Attack on titan winds up.

    Sad to see it wrapped up, though I plan on seeing the last movie as I think I read they will change the ending a bit.
  10. Demon_skeith

    What's the moderately popular sport that's not yet covered by any sports anime?

    I would say Bowling, but I think we are finally getting a bowling anime.
  11. Demon_skeith

    If you could choose an anime theme park, what would you choose?

    One based off of Fairy Tail, since it should be extremely fun.
  12. Demon_skeith

    Set in an advanced era but doesn't make any sense

    Most seem like that, since the creators have to balance story and the advance world they are telling.
  13. Demon_skeith

    Do you like super hero anime?

    I enjoy them, they tend to be over the top and very enjoyable.
  14. Demon_skeith

    If you could break an anime couple, who would it be?

    I really don't care for couples, but I don't think Sakura and Sasuke should be together.
  15. Demon_skeith

    Anime storyline with repeated storyline Vs multiverse

    Hrmmm, Erased kind of falls in line with this.