Recent content by DearSweetAru

  1. DearSweetAru

    Hataraku Maou-Sama!

    AKA The Devil is a Part-timer! I just started watching this recently and, so far, I'm really enjoying it. Here is the plot summary from My Anime List (since I know some members care what that site has to say): My Anime List also states that almost 40% viewers rate it an 8, about 30% rate it a...
  2. DearSweetAru

    Another Broken Image

    This is the url for the broken image with I right click and copy its dirent link: It does not show up and leads to a 404 page.
  3. DearSweetAru

    Report Button

    The report button doesn't work. I click on it and absolutely nothing happens, at all.
  4. DearSweetAru

    Rune Factory

    If you haven't played it but have played (and enjoyed) Harvest Moon, then you'll definitely love Rune Factory. I have only played 3 and 4, but it's enough to make me want the rest of them. Unlike Harvest Moon, they add in fantasy elements and a combat system. :D I really love playing it.
  5. DearSweetAru

    Black Lagoon

    Anyone see that one?
  6. DearSweetAru


    I feel very blind, and it's possible I just missed it, but is there a topic listing the rules of this forum somewhere?
  7. DearSweetAru

    Ru Review: Nana

    [center][/align] I watched this one on my own awhile ago and got through a good chunk of it again a couple months (or s0) with my boyfriend. We didn't finish it because it really isn't his cup of tea, but I still love the anime nonetheless. Nana tells the tale of two girls who both happen...
  8. DearSweetAru

    Ru Review: Hunter x Hunter

    This series I reviewed in sections, mostly based on their seasons. ​  SEASON 1 REVIEW[hr][center]If it isn't obvious... Killua is and always will be my favorite. [/align] Mind you, this is for the newer one with like... 5 seasons. I own up toooooo... I think volume 15 or so of the manga...
  9. DearSweetAru

    Ru Review: Noragami

    [center][/align] I was perusing my Netflix for new, interesting looking anime (new as in... Netflix just uploaded it) and Noragami came highly recommended. After the disappointment that was Attack on Titan (read previous blog) I was definitely hoping to find an anime that would make me forget...
  10. DearSweetAru

    Where are you from

    Where are you from? :D I'm from the States, Arizona specifically. I lived in California most of my life though.
  11. DearSweetAru


    Anyone watch this one? It's really awesome and I don't meet many people who have seen it.
  12. DearSweetAru

    Broken Image

    I am not quite sure what image it is, but there are broken images in the threads areas. It is either a new post icon or go to latest post icon, as it only appears in topics with new replies that I have not read.
  13. DearSweetAru


    Heyo! DearSweetAru here, though you can feel free to call me Ru for short. :3 *drops ice* I suck really badly at intros, so hopefully dropping ice all over the floor is enough.