lol i meant ovas and other classics along with non fight anime
i think people don't have enough time and interest to through with a long anime or repeated scenes
but they don't give them a try lol may be because they have too many episodes but i think it's worth watching all of them.
yes lol
it's really good and i hope you will watch it
you never wanted a different ending for an anime shadow?
there are plenty of anime i thought would be great if they could have a different ending or if my ships had sailed
lol what if people dislike what i say?
but i think there are only a few anime which are bane to the existence of anime. i remember dropping psychic wars and it literally made me sick.
welcome to the forum niriv
people barely posts topics here but if you post they would reply for sure lol
for your recommendations i would suggest twelve kingdoms and it's got serious character development.
do you want to try long anime? you can start naruto, one piece, fairy tale too along with...
lol i don't get it.
what do you mean by what you can take on that day? so you really mean you can get creeped out by something on a certain day and wouldn't bat an eyelid on another day?
like seriously lol
i have this neighbour who keeps staring at me and he is old. i don't think it's because he finds me attractive but i just can't figure it out
i seriously doubt that unless it's a classic which is recommended by everyone like death note or full metal alchemist.
but old anime has in depth stories and unique vibes lol
sometimes i feel really bad lol
most of them are teens even if they don't look like it and i don't like that. i know it's just a fictional characters but it still upsets me