Recent content by DarkAngel

  1. DarkAngel

    Do you think all the men are usually egocentric?

    lol how come? wanna know more about these thoughts
  2. DarkAngel

    If there is an anime remake, is there an anime you want another ending?

    did you watch bleach? i know you haven't watched one piece but i don't remember bleach
  3. DarkAngel

    Do you think kids these days would want to watch old anime?

    lol i meant ovas and other classics along with non fight anime i think people don't have enough time and interest to through with a long anime or repeated scenes
  4. DarkAngel

    Do you get creeped out by anime characters easily?

    the one mangaka who writes everything creepy. i think there is this weird girl with human body and non human face?
  5. DarkAngel

    Grey Fox Music Playlist

    twerking and you are asking me? lol
  6. DarkAngel

    Do you like trying new restaurants?

    that's so cool kay it sounds like an adventure of sorts. but would you look for something new?
  7. DarkAngel

    What anime shouldn't have been adopted?

    lol did you watch it? that makes so much sense
  8. DarkAngel

    Do you still like Tsunderes?

    lol what? that's art and i thought you would be the last person to think it's ugly shadow
  9. DarkAngel

    What are you watching?

    never heard of it may be i am out of touch lol. it takes a lot to impress me these days.
  10. DarkAngel

    Let's talk about your day!

    sleeping is good. i think it's productive lol.
  11. DarkAngel

    Forum games threads in latest posts

    yes lol or else people would forget they exist and it's a fun way to keep playing with other members
  12. DarkAngel

    New year resolutions

    lol you are right we barely notice it and we usually go back to the usual after struggling for a few days but keep fighting kay
  13. DarkAngel

    Three Christmas movies released this year that you should watch

    elv here makes pretty good suggestions from time to time.
  14. DarkAngel

    Do you get annoyed by phone calls even from the legit businesses?

    welcome back kay i missed talking to you. lol i think qr scares me a lot and i don't usually opt for it unless i am out of all the other options
  15. DarkAngel

    Looking for Anime Suggestions!

    but they don't give them a try lol may be because they have too many episodes but i think it's worth watching all of them. yes lol it's really good and i hope you will watch it
  16. DarkAngel

    Grey Fox Music Playlist

    lol i haven't thought of a new catchy name i like. may be the music and certainly not the dance lol
  17. DarkAngel

    Do you get creeped out by anime characters easily?

    lol i already predicted this post you even read all the manga written by that mangaka. i forgot the name lol
  18. DarkAngel

    Do you think kids these days would want to watch old anime?

    i think not lol even the fighting moves are the same and it's not intense enough lol
  19. DarkAngel

    Do you still like Tsunderes?

    lol what? not all the tsunderes are good looking. look at seven in one piece lol
  20. DarkAngel

    If there is an anime remake, is there an anime you want another ending?

    you never wanted a different ending for an anime shadow? there are plenty of anime i thought would be great if they could have a different ending or if my ships had sailed
  21. DarkAngel

    What anime shouldn't have been adopted?

    lol what if people dislike what i say? but i think there are only a few anime which are bane to the existence of anime. i remember dropping psychic wars and it literally made me sick.
  22. DarkAngel

    Looking for Anime Suggestions!

    welcome to the forum niriv people barely posts topics here but if you post they would reply for sure lol for your recommendations i would suggest twelve kingdoms and it's got serious character development. do you want to try long anime? you can start naruto, one piece, fairy tale too along with...
  23. DarkAngel

    Do you think all the men are usually egocentric?

    lol she already gave the answer lol but i know it depends on person to person at the end of the day
  24. DarkAngel

    Let's talk about your day!

    thank you star. it means a lot to me right now same as me lol
  25. DarkAngel

    Do you get creeped out by anime characters easily?

    i still don't get it it's fine lol.
  26. DarkAngel

    Soul levelling anime

    nothing much lol i think it's going to be a long alone time just like always
  27. DarkAngel

    How do you deal with creeps?

    sure rin thank you. i feel happy to see the care and you all
  28. DarkAngel

    What anime should have had more episodes?

    some anime sure makes you feel that way. for me, i don't mind the everyday mundane life for some anime that i am very fond of
  29. DarkAngel

    Do you think any anime after 2000 deserves an anime remake?

    lol that's one way. i just thought the animation in 2000 is pretty good and doesn't need a remake if it's not about the story
  30. DarkAngel

    Do you often feel more pity and get attached to the anime support characters?

    lol got to say it's their story and they have the final say. but i would like to see multiple main protagonists if it makes any sense
  31. DarkAngel

    Forum games threads in latest posts

    but it would a good idea star can we have a small section where latest forum games posts can appear?
  32. DarkAngel

    Goku Vs sailor moon

    that's so cool star here i thought goku is overrated lol
  33. DarkAngel

    Grey Fox Music Playlist

    lol i am dark angel now. it's giving me old vibes but makes me feel nostalgic. i like it
  34. DarkAngel

    Do you like yourself?

    just something i have been thinking lately and i don't think i like myself. i know i shouldn't feel this way but i just can't help it
  35. DarkAngel

    Soul levelling anime

    i think it's very popular lol but unfortunately i haven't watched it but i plan to given the hype
  36. DarkAngel

    Katseye and the performance at mama awards

    you should try the new groups as well rin i think xin is good and so is black swan with their roll up song
  37. DarkAngel

    Do you get creeped out by anime characters easily?

    lol i don't get it. what do you mean by what you can take on that day? so you really mean you can get creeped out by something on a certain day and wouldn't bat an eyelid on another day?
  38. DarkAngel

    How do you deal with creeps?

    lol what? thank you rin. i will reach out if it gets
  39. DarkAngel

    What anime should have had more episodes?

    probably yes lol plots can be created and people can find new things and mysteries to explore in those anime
  40. DarkAngel

    Do you feel guilty for having anime crushes?

    lol alright i just wanted to understand and i thought of changing is it's weird lol
  41. DarkAngel

    Goku Vs sailor moon

    lol sailor moon for sure @MoonlightShadow this is for you and i never knew magical girls are that powerful lol
  42. DarkAngel

    Do you think any anime after 2000 deserves an anime remake?

    lol what if it's just for better animation? would you still want to see an anime remake?
  43. DarkAngel

    Do you like trying new restaurants?

    i don't lol never done it and if there is one on my way, i will go there but i wouldn't leave without any destination rin
  44. DarkAngel

    How do you deal with creeps?

    like seriously lol i have this neighbour who keeps staring at me and he is old. i don't think it's because he finds me attractive but i just can't figure it out
  45. DarkAngel

    Do you prefer a coloured manga or a regular 2 colour manga?

    that's true. it's very nice and no wonder all the webtoons got super popular in the recent years
  46. DarkAngel

    Do you think all the men are usually egocentric?

    lol i think so yes have seen too many of the lot. there are rare gems but not many people are lucky to have them in their lives
  47. DarkAngel

    Do you think kids these days would want to watch old anime?

    i seriously doubt that unless it's a classic which is recommended by everyone like death note or full metal alchemist. but old anime has in depth stories and unique vibes lol
  48. DarkAngel

    Do you feel guilty for having anime crushes?

    sometimes i feel really bad lol most of them are teens even if they don't look like it and i don't like that. i know it's just a fictional characters but it still upsets me
  49. DarkAngel

    Do you still like Tsunderes?

    i used to like them but i don't think i admire them now lol aloof characters are more to my liking now
  50. DarkAngel

    Do you get creeped out by anime characters easily?

    i think lately i am immune to several characters and they don't give me the vibes. what about you lot?
  51. DarkAngel

    Overlord anime discussion

    i watched it lol but i don't know if it's worth watching. what is your advice on this?
  52. DarkAngel

    Do you think any anime after 2000 deserves an anime remake?

    let's just be honest lol most of the old animation gets remakes but i don't think we have seen a lot of remakes for the anime released after 2000
  53. DarkAngel

    Let's talk about your day!

    it's the same star nothing changes but i come to peace with it.
  54. DarkAngel

    Male anime characters fight Vs female anime characters fight

    lol that is a good point i know mangaka who actually admitted they just don't know how to develop a female character
  55. DarkAngel

    Rereading Claymore

    i agree too. she is like a legend and every warrior is the same as well. they are so strong and it amazes me lol
  56. DarkAngel

    Forum games threads in latest posts

    i don't see them after posting in them. is there something wrong with forum games section?
  57. DarkAngel

    How do you feel today?

    i think we need to revive these threads. it used to be really fun
  58. DarkAngel

    Do you get annoyed by phone calls even from the legit businesses?

    you should give time for yourself to relax clarry you need a break too
  59. DarkAngel

    Three Christmas movies released this year that you should watch

    a little compared to my other days. but by other standards, it's just average. just like my life lol
  60. DarkAngel

    Plans for Christmas

    lol yes but not like a feast and it's been sometime since i thoroughly enjoyed anything in life.
  61. DarkAngel

    YouTube shorts Vs other social media shorts

    lol tell me that's seriously cool and even females did it great and the level is far higher. don't you agree with that?
  62. DarkAngel

    Katseye and the performance at mama awards

    blackpink is on another level they are the first girl group to achieve most of the awards
  63. DarkAngel

    Let's talk about your day!

    that's good to know star where have you been and how are you getting on with your life?
  64. DarkAngel

    Male anime characters fight Vs female anime characters fight

    lol because not all the time the female fights are filled with gore perhaps not all the male fights too. i take that back
  65. DarkAngel

    New year resolutions

    lol not for me i fail to meet them and after that i stopped making them lol
  66. DarkAngel

    Happy new year!

    happy new year you two a bit late but better late than never. have a lovely year and a prosperous life