How about a stray dog? O.o
I know it's not a wild animal and I didn't receive any physical damage thanks to the strong bag I have been holding at that point of time... But it was truly scary for a 14 year old kid ;_; .
I couldn't even scream out loud... More like it never crossed my mind. I was...
To be honest, it's kinda hard for me to wrap my head around this concept.
However the topic looks really interesting and not to mention that people often claim about how they got trapped.....
So anyone ever played any liminal space games before?
As it's recently been unbanned in India, I thought of installing it....
However, looks like they haven't updated the app to English and they don't even have shipping options ;_;
*Sigh the only way to get goods is through Baohero or other agents (_ _)/
Over here, it's a bit cold but at least it's not... that cold (-_-)
I hate sub zero temperatures with no ice! May be that's just me.
What about you folks?
It's going to be a serious discussion...
So I don't want to see toilet jokes or any other disgusting jokes including fan service related stuff.
I am looking for plain old comedy like Kyo Kara ore wa. Why can't I find such anime? ;_;
Well, I am sure we shouldn't judge everyone based on a handful of people... But so far, I have noticed weird patterns. Men are willing to go out of their way to help their daughters, sisters, mothers... But not their wives, most of the time. At least that's the thing I have noticed quite a bit...