Recent content by Claraviolet

  1. Claraviolet

    How do you feel if someone left your room without closing the door?

    O.o um... Unless I am in a meeting, I don't really care
  2. Claraviolet


    What do you guys think? Dark theme: Light theme: @Burnsy @Elvis @DarkAngel @Grungie @Kaname @MoonlightShadow @Rinko @Star_Of_Hope @MadaraUchiha and others
  3. Claraviolet

    Well, time to update the theme

    Not really... But if possible if it's around 50 USD.... It should be fine.
  4. Claraviolet

    Well, time to update the theme

    Well, it does. You can just type xenforo themes and pick what you want... If there are too many, we can vote for one...
  5. Claraviolet


    Can't... It's just a rented house most..I could probably get a cooler.... The house is way too small even for a cooler... Oh man ;_; Is that a question for me? o.o
  6. Claraviolet


    It's way too hot at the moment around where I live 😭😭😭 How I miss my AC room at the moment 😭😭😭😭
  7. Claraviolet

    Have you ever considered getting an anime tattoo?

    O.o nope. It will hurt so I am not going to get one... Good luck though!
  8. Claraviolet

    Well, time to update the theme

    Baka toddler.... If I were to get some random theme, you guys would blame that on me... For sure. If I were to request for opinions... Yet again.. It's going to be my fault. Come on! I can't control everything ya know
  9. Claraviolet

    Anime and live action crossover?

    Ah... Yes 🙃🙃 I do plan to.. At some point... But just not yet